
Regular Meditation (open to the public)

Saturday Mornings 8:30 - 9:45 and Tuesday Evenings 7:00 - 8:15

  In person, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church.

  Also, virtual using Zoom:

   Web link:
   Or using Zoom App: Meeting ID: 614 267 4946, Password: uu.


  The First Unitarian Universalist Church
  93 W. Weisheimer
  Columbus, OH 43214 [map]

Meditation is usually held in the Fellowship Hall, but it may be held in the Worship Center or some other room, depending on conditions. Volunteers arrive early to set up the room. Look for the shoes in the hall.


Sangha Activities   (Might not happen due to the covid pandemic.)

Introduction to Zazen (no charge)

Second Saturday of each month, 8:30 - 10:00 am.

Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 pm.

A brief overview and introduction to Zen meditation will be given. Posture, breath, and meditation hall etiquette will be described. We will also do our best to answer any questions. Cushions and mats will be provided.

Coffee and taped dharma talk and discussion

4th Saturday of each month after regular meditation


Regional Extended Sits (not organized by ZCS)
Yellow Spring Dharma Center - Alternate months. Check schedule

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